Mustang Morning
This Sunday's sunrise shoot (6/17/12) marked a milestone in my photo project. Wednesday June 20 marks the Summer Solstice; the longest day of the year. That means that I have reached the celestial halfway point of my summer sunrise photo project. The sunrises will slowly come later and later in the morning.
So this morning, I wanted to head to downtown Dallas and shoot the sun reflecting off the buildings, but I wanted to take some friends with me. Unfortunately, they couldn't go, so I will put it off a bit. Therefore, I decided to head over to Las Colinas and see the mustangs. The mustangs is the largest equestrian statue in the world; about a dozen mustang horses running through a business plaza. It is an incredible statue. What made it really cool is that they have spray where the horses' hooves strike the water which make them look like they're actually running.
What made this interesting is that the mustangs evidently sit on private property. The security guard (who was nice and polite) let me know that commercial photography of the mustangs was by permit only. When I explained to him about my photo project, he said that was ok and I finished up. Note to self for the future, make sure I am not shooting on private property. lol
On to the pictures!!
As you all know, I love flowing water. This is the view as you come up to the mustangs. I did not read about who created the statues, but the designer of this plaza did a fantastic job! This is a non HDR shot; high aperture, slow shutter speed to capture the flowing water.

These last four shots are all HDR. above, you can see the mustangs running. I think they look fantastic in black and white and as I mentioned earlier, the water spouts at the hooves of the horses makes them look like they're running. I shot them with a longer shutter speed to emphasize the water.
Behind the plaza is Lake Caroline. It was very peaceful in the morning and I was able to take advantage of the great color in the sky. Also, I've always liked the phrase, "Better lucky than good, some times". If you look at the bottom right picture, you will see a crane flew across my shot as the three HDR pictures were being taken. I couldn't have planned it better. lol
That is it for this week. I have had a great time shooting these sunrises and seeing parts of Dallas that I have never seen before.
Before I go, I wanted to say that I entered a picture that I took in St. Louis, in a photo contest. The contest is sponsored by Pauline Frommer, a leading writer of travel guide books. We used her London guidebook and can attest to how great they are. The winner of the contest among other prizes will get their photo featured on a 2013 guidebook. I am putting the link for my photo below. Please take a second to go and vote for it. You can vote as many times as you like.
As always, thank you for following my blog.
Until next time...
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